Well the move is now over. I can't believe the amount of stuff we had, even after donating a truck full to charity and trashing anything that we no longer use. My brother really lucked out and received pots, pans, glasses, plates, a can opener and toaster because we'll be breaking out the wedding gifts when we move again.
A sampling of the clothes that were donated
We originally thought we could just rent a u haul and do it ourselves, but in the end dealing with heavy furniture up and down the tight stairwell at our apartment building wasn't gonna work for me. The movers worked hard, took 3.5 hours (which included the drive from our apartment to our new storage shed) and were very much worth it. I'm glad we opted for the 10x25 shed because we never would have fit everything into the smaller one we originally planned to get.
Settling in is taking a little getting used to, going from a 2 bedroom apartment to one bedroom and a gameroom loft, but we'll be able to handle it and are so thankful that my parents are giving us this chance to save on rent. We still have to go back and clean out the old apartment (so not looking forward to that!) and then turn in the keys before the 2nd.
And now for a little more catch up with WEverb11:
#17 Discover - What did you discover (big or small) in 2011?
I'm still learning, but I am discovering a love for photography. It's nothing that I would really dive into, but for capturing our vacations, craft projects and food recipes...that's right up my ally.
#18 Teach - What lesson or advice were you able to pass on to others this year?
The only memorable lesson that comes to mind would be wedding advice for my friend who was married in August. It was such a blast to have someone close to me that was also planning a wedding, and to be able to share some of the advice that I picked up from our day. Although the tip of not leaving the wedding license behind didn't quite stick. Too funny that we both left it behind and had to have someone go and pick it up!
#19 Laugh - Tell us about your biggest belly laugh in 2011
I may be a little behind the ball, but I've laughed out loud reading
Damn You Auto Correct.
#20 Plug In/Unplug - How has technology affected your life (positively or negatively) in 2011? Do you want this to continue for 2012?
It's probably sad, but I am pretty much plugged in everyday either by laptop, iPhone, work laptop or crackberry. I enjoy taking vacations, especially out of the country, which will somewhat force me to unplug and enjoy time away from technology. I'll be shutting off technology when we go on our cruise in April and I can't wait!
#21 Ripple - The butterfly effect posits that a small change can ripple across whole ecosystems. Who do you credit for the small action that made all the difference in your life this year?
Getting married is no small action, but that made the biggest difference in my life this year. I am now constantly thinking about what is best for us and not just for myself.