Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I Love This Dog

I started this post this weekend and sadly after another 2 visits to the vet, Gypsy passed away yesterday evening.  She was an amazing dog and I will love her always.

One of the first pictures I took of Gypsy

Last Thursday was a range of emotions as my dog Gypsy loss consciousness. I was working from home, quickly called the vet to change the appointment I had already made for Friday and rushed her over to be checked out.

Gypsy is more than a pet to me.  I've had fish and hermit crabs and hamsters, but no pet has seen me through as much as Gypsy.  I adopted her from the local animal shelter in 2006 right before I moved into my first post college apartment.  Living with a roommate and another dog was OK, but when our 6 month lease was up Gypsy and I packed up and moved out on our own.  For a couple of years (before I met Chris and he moved in) it was just the two of us.  She was part of the first solo Christmas card I sent back in 2006.

She's been there during the entire duration of dating, engagement and now marriage to Chris.  He might not always admit it (especially when he has to cover my early morning walks with her), but I know he loves her just as much.  

Engagement picture from Lynn Michelle

So when she stumbled, fell over and then didn't move I freaked out.  We made it to the vet and were quickly taken back.  Gypsy has always had a heart mummer, but there wasn't really anything that we could do about it.  After describing what happened, coupled with her coughing up (similar to what I imagine a cat would sound like coughing up a hair ball) he took her back for an x ray.

And I waited.

The vet came to the conclusion that Gypsy has Dilated Cardiomyopathy, or an enlarged heart.  The only good news to come from the x-ray was that he did not see a build up of fluid in her lungs.  From PetMD:

"When the heart's ventricle does not pump enough blood into the lungs, fluid begins to accumulate in the lungs.  An enlarged heart soon becomes overloaded and this often leads to congestive heart failure"

He prescribed two different medications that she is now taking twice a day.  There isn't really a way to cure what is wrong with her heart, but we are trying to do everything we can to help her until there is nothing left for us to do.

She's had three more fainting episodes since we left the vet, which normally come after she exerts too much energy.  We've cut back the distance on her walks, and take it very slowly.  The two medications didn't seem to be slowing her heart rate any, so we were back in the vet's office for a third medication.  I'm hoping these will do the trick to reduce the 240 beats per minute this poor little dog was dealing with.

As a result of this discovery, I decided to do something I've been meaning to do for a while.

Using some of the left over white clay from the Carnival funnel, Chris assisted me in capturing Gypsy's paw print for an ornament that I will cherish forever. 


  1. I'm really really sorry for your loss. I know that there are no words to say or write that will make you feel better. I have 2 dogs myself and I can bearly imagine what the 2 of you (especially you) are going through.

    The ornament is something I want to do for my dogs, too. I really great idea to remember Gypsy.

    Sending prayers to you and Chris.

  2. I'm so sorry for your loss - that's so, so tough. I love the ornament - what a great idea!

  3. This is such a sweet post, and I'm so sorry for your loss. I love the ornament idea - such a great way to remember her.

  4. I am so sorry for your loss, Lauren. Not to many years ago I lost my childhood dog and I know how truly heartbreaking it can be. From one dog lover to another, know that I'm thinking of you and Chris. Sending you lots of love and support.

  5. lauren, i am so sorry for your loss. it was such a treat to see gypsy pop up here and there on your blog. my sister recently lost one of her pugs and it's absolutely heartbreaking. there's a big hole where they once were. i will be thinking of you, chris and gypsy. lots of hugs.

  6. I'm so sorry Lauren. She sounds like a wonderful dog, and the ornament is such a sweet way to remember her life.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss, Lauren. Gypsy sounds like she was an amazing dog.

  8. I'm so sorry for your loss! Gypsy pictures were some of my favorites on your blog. She sounds like she was an amazing dog, and the ornament is a beautiful way to remember her fun life. Lots of hugs to you.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. The loss of a beloved pet is truly heartbreaking. Gypsy sounds like she was a great dog, and I know that her life was enriched by you guys. Sending you lots of love.

  10. Tears for you, friend. Gypsy was such a loved girl, you could just see it in the photos you posted. Thinking about you guys.

  11. I am so sorry for your loss. I've been following you since your Weddingbee days, adn I know how much Gypsy was a part of your life.

  12. Oh, Lauren, my heart is breaking for you =( I'm so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was such a sweetheart and absolutely adorable. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts!

  13. I'm so sorry for you loss, Lauren. You gave Gypsy a wonderful life and I'm sure she's smiling down on you! I'm sending lots of prayers and love your way.

  14. Oh, I'm so so sorry... as a pet owner I know how hard this can be. My heart goes to you. I love the ornament. That is so special.

  15. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I am very glad you adopted Gypsy and shared a wonderful life with her.

  16. Thank you all so much for your sweet comments to this post! I will cherish the memories and photos that I have of her.

  17. So sorry for your loss Lauren! Gypsy sounds like an amazing dog and friend!

  18. I'm so sorry for your loss- I can't imagine how hard this must've been for you... hugs

  19. Bailey and I will always remember Gypsy :)

  20. I'm so sorry to read about Gypsy. Sending you and Chris heartfelt condolences. The ornament is a wonderful reminder of Gypsy.
